In recent years the relation between human rights and environmental issues has become an issue of vigorous debate. Environmental and human rights concerns are so intricately intertwined that both are increasingly getting subsumed by each other. A perspective study of these two contested and hotly debated issues of 21st century may help in developing joint mechanism which can respond to environmental challenges as swiftly as it deals with human rights issues. International environmental law and international human rights law have led to catatonic developments at the municipal level which often lack fruitful synchronization. However, growing pattern of convergence between environment and human rights can be deciphered through a careful study of judicial verdicts cutting across jurisdictions. This raises hope that institutional frame work of environment protection can be utilized to agitate human right issues and human right institutions can be used for addressing environmental concerns which may provide calibrated remedies.
Dr. Ayaz Ahmad, Associate Professor, Unitedworld School of Law (UWSL)
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