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Faculty Development Programme

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Faculty Development Programme

Faculty Development Programme

Session I

By-Prof. (Dr.) Shashikala Gurpur, Director- SLS Pune, Dean- Faculty of Law, Symbiosis International (DU), Cairperson IP Cell, SIU

The session started with Introduction to Research and Formulating Good Hypothesis.

  • 1) The speaker stated that for Quality of publication, the researcher must follow hypothesis. Theory begins with hypothesis. It is the thought process of any research. It helps in understanding the actual dynamics of Law.
  • 2) The speaker enlightened the topic by citing various examples.
  • 3) How to frame Literature Review and how one variable is connected with other variable.
  • 4) The speaker also discussed about Experimental Research in Science and Behavioral research in Sociological Research.
  • 5) The Speaker stated that hypothesis need not have statistical component always. It is the hypothesis which gives approach to the given problem and gives suggestions for the same.


Session – 2

By: Prof. (Dr.) Anil Sutar, Professor, TISS Mumbai Associate Dean- School of Research Methodology

The session started with an Introduction to Scientific Inquiry in Social Science Research. In the session, the speaker:

  • 1) Referred certain readings like:
  • 2) Andrew Knight: Advances Research Methods in the Built Environment.
  • 3) Berard H.R, Social Research Methods- Qualitative & Quantitative Approaches
  • 4) Creswell, John W. Research Design- Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Method.

Focused on Science- Its Different Connotions:

  • 1) Science- Laboratories, Experiments, Predictions
  • 2) Science v/s Arts
  • 3) Emerging discipline of Data Analytics, Data Science
  • 4) Debate during Covid- 19 Pandemics
  • 5) Methods of Knowing- tradition- Intuitions, authority and science
  • 6) Law and Scientific Method- Research as an argument, theoretical saturation, null hypotheses, peer review
  • 7) Different methods of Knowing: Method of Tradition/ Tenacity, Method of Intuition/ Hunch, Method of Authority, Method of Science

Session no. 3

Prof. (Dr.) Sairam Bhat spoke on conceptualizing the Research Design.

  • 1) The Speaker discussed about Research Design with the help of different narratives and examples from current days situation.
  • 2) He also focused on the methods of stakeholder’s mapping and how it is important factor in choosing the kind of Research Design.
  • 3) Various notions related to literature reviews were discussed. As Literature is the foundation of any research.
  • 4) The Speaker also introduced the basic difference between Legal Research and Policy Research. He further elaborated the research designs for both kinds of Research and various intricacies related to it.
  • 5) He also discussed about Research problem, Research Questions, and Research Objectives. Furthermore, interconnected Research, Laws, Policies, Society through various illustrations.

Session no. 4

Prof. (Dr.) Amalendu Jyotishi on Formulating a Research Objectives and Research Questions

  • 1) The speaker gave various important insights of formulation of Research Objectives and Research Questions.
  • 2) He explained the interrelation between Bodily senses and Research and how it plays an important role in reseacrch.
  • 3) The speaker enlightened the participants with the purpose of Literature Review. He also proposed the idea of engaging with the literature instead of just reading it.
  • 4) He further discussed the concepts related to Meta analysis and ethinography and how these are different from each other and impact Research Objectives and Research Questions.
  • 5) The speaker also included essentials of hypothesis development, research gaps, difference between Literature Review and annotated bibliography and various kinds of Literatures.

Session no. 5

Dr. Tithi Bhatnagar spoke on Introduction to research methods.

She discussion about three methods with the help of different anecdotes.

  • 1) Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed method
  • 2) The distinction among these were also illustrated. The main steps related to quantitative research were also discussed by the speaker. Under the same head main preoccupations such standardization, causality, generalization and replication of quantitative research were also discussed. She also touched different quantitative methods.
  • 3) Various criticisms involved in Quantitative Research involved such reliance on instruments and procedures, artificial and spurious sense of precision and accuracy were also highlighted.
  • 4) Preoccupations of qualitative methods and main research methods associated with qualitative research such as narratives, qualitative interviewing, discourse analysis etc. were also elaborated by the speaker in a very brief manner.
  • 5) Delphi method Gioia method ere also discussed in brief. At last , she elaborated the various elements such as rigor, trustworthiness, member checking, reflexivity, interpretivity etc.   to ensure quality in qualitative research.

Session no. 6

Prof. (Dr.) Kakoli Sen on Data for Research: Qualitative Research

  • 1) The guest started with characteristics of qualitative research. By citing various anecdotes, she illustrated the characteristics.
  • 2) The speaker focused on content analysis to evaluate patters in within a piece of content. She also touched narrative analysis in great detail. The advantages and disadvantages of content analysis and narrative analysis were also highlighted by the author.
  • 3) The speaker also included essentials of discourse analysis, thematic analysis, grounded theory, interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA) in her discussion. She concluded by elaborating the skills required for qualitative research.
  • 4) She focused on published research papers to elaborate the discussion.

Session 7 

Prof. Dr. Tanuja Kaushik, enlightened us on important aspects of descriptive statistics, categorical data by charts, measures of central tendency, co relation and regression equation, inferential statistics and providing the participants with,a practical experience of the same

Session 8

Prof. Dr. Ramesh Gaur, enlightened us on important aspects of  UGC regulations and guidelines, importance of UGC Care list of journals, concept of minor and major plagiarism, research ethics, research misconduct, fabrication of research, quotations and its importance, concept of citation and referencing providing the participants with an in-depth insight of the same.

Session -9

Mr. Vishal Gupta, Customer Consultant South Asia, Elsevier; delivered the first session on How to find the Right Scopus Journal for Publication. Sir touched upon all the nuances of research, publication and effective tools to be used for the same. He enlightened us on research metrics used in SCOPUS, impact factor, changing scenario of research, how to choose the right journal and articles with all the essential components. He exhibited practically as to the know-how of researching the logistics of SCOPUS website and how to use it effectively along with the 7 Key Questions to evaluate the journals that have been identified.

The last session was delivered by Dr. Jaspreet Kaur, Associate Professor, Pearl Academy, Delhi on the topic, Academic Writing for Publication in Indexed Journals with High Impact Factor. Mam took us through the intricacies of finding the right journal for publication, how to prepare yourself for effective research with the pros and cons of publishing and research, its effective tools. She also spoke at length about peer review and desk rejection along with what to expect while writing a research paper and subsequently going for its publication through various personal experiences and anecdotes.

About the FDP on Research and Publication:

  Unitedworld School of Law organised Five Day Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Research and Publication” from 17th to 21st January, 2022 in hybrid mode. The FDP aimed to engage faculty and research scholars from law and social sciences in various issues concerning meaningful research and publication. The FDP on Research and Publication addressed anxieties created by need of quality publications through prominent scholars from law and social science such as – Prof. (Dr.) Shashikala Gurpur, Director- SLS, Pune,Dean-Faculty of Law, Symbiosis International (Deemed University)Chairperson IP Cell, SIU, Prof. (Dr.) Anil Sutar, Professor, TISS Mumbai, Associate Dean – School of Research Methodology, Prof. Dr. Sairam Bhat, Professor, National Law School of India University., Prof. (Dr.) Amalendu Jyotishi, Professor, School of Development, Azim Premji University, Dr. Tithi Bhatnagar, Associate Professor, Deputy Director, Centre for Leadership and Change (CLC), O. P. Jindal Global University, Haryana, Prof. Dr. Kakoli Sen, Pro Vice Chancellor, IILM University, Gurgaon., Prof. (Dr.) Tanuja Kaushik, Director, Centre for Innovation & Entrepreneurship GD Goenka University, Gurgaon, Prof. (Dr.) Ramesh C Gaur, Dean, Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts. Ministry of Culture Government of India., Mr. Vishal Gupta, Customer Consultant South Asia, Elsevier, Dr. Jaspreet Kaur, Associate Professor, Pearl Academy, Delhi. The FDP was participated by more than 150 research scholars, faculty members and professionals from across India. The sessions induced critical thinking and reflective action around them. Practical solutions to the difficulties which researchers face in leading a life of mind in these neoliberal times were well discussed by experts. Participants of the FDP also learnt how to translate interdisciplinary research talks into concrete, result oriented intellectual ferment. FDP focused on scientific inquiry in social science research, different approaches to literature review, conceptualizing research design, formulating research objectives, hypothesis and research questions. A special session on research integrity, ethics and anti plagiarism rules, and a session disseminating how to structure a paper to navigate through the web of indexed Journals were conducted.


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