“Jheel is done, settled now!”, I raised my brows and knew where the conversation would end. My father continued, “soon it will be your turn, get ready.” I just thought really ‘ready’! Now, what is ready or being ready? Is getting hitched an ideal goal of life. It’s like a reminder set on an app, “You are supposed to be READY.” None of us are actually ready for anything. I got ready today and am on the go. What next? Are you going to get hit by a truck or bump into a lily garden? READY! is such a word with carious loopholes and tunnels. No one is ever going to know where they will fall or which place will raise you. Just like the ‘ideal conversation’ ended with a reality check reply so I told my father, “The day is beautiful , but I can’t find the beauty in the day, milk was just spilt over mankind’s aspirations, desires, careers and so much more, they weren’t ready, you were not ready. How can I be READY?” I still got to reach that ‘Am I in ready position’!
After I while I asked myself, “Will I be Ready?” and just smirked my way to the hammock.
Ashmi Madia, B. Des LSA Semester II , Unitedworld Institute of Design (UID)
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