Yatra Nariyastu Pujyante Ramante Tatra Devata,
Yatraitaastu Na Pujyante Sarvaastatrafalaah Kriyaah
Our religious scriptures confer upon as the duty to accord due respect to women. The above slokas means wherever women are given their due respect, even the deities like to reside there and where they are not respected, all action remains unfruitful.
“Fight for gender equality is not fight against men. It is fight against traditions that lives chained them a fight against attitudes that are ingrained in the society it is a fight against system a fight against proverbial „Lakshman Rekha‟ which is different for men and different for women. The society must rise to the occasion. It must recognized and accept the fact that men and women are equal partners in life. They are individuals who have their own identity”. …………..Justice Dr. A.S. Anand
The greatest crime you can do is not giving your self enough time. To delve into a possibility that you’re so engrossed in ( and in love with) what you do that you forget the flow of time is something that every human being should experience.
The talents of many people ( artists, poets, doctors, mathematicians) have been wasted on daily household chores, fitting in gender roles that ultimately are designed for success of only one of the two partners involved.
Ladies, when you think of getting married, I urge you to think of the “expectation mould” you enter into. While household chores, duties, responsibilities, taking care of the kids are important ( for both men and women), but is it worth giving up your independence, the ability to nurture your own self? Is it worth to say goodbye to what you love (or at the very least take significant time away from what
you love doing)? Are you really going from a state of potential to a higher state or is there a dip? That is a question I encourage you to think of before you decide to take the marital plunge.
Men, I’d just say that when you get married, think of your wife as you would your closest male friend with their own set of dreams and expectations from life. Would you then expect them to do daily household chores, taking care of kids, cooking etc. alone? If the answer is no, then think about “sharing the load”
Nishtha Agrawal, Assistant Professor of Law, Unitedworld School of Law (UWSL)
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