Our urban realm has faced many calamities before; the plague in 1994, the earthquake in 2001, the tsunami in 2004. But, we as human beings have overcome it. We have got the ‘in-built’ concept to move with the present; not always hold on to the past and hopefully keep learning from the experiences.
So one should take the pandemic –COVID 19 as a reminder for allowing a pause and letting Mother Earth breathe. This pandemic has given supposedly the most ‘intelligent mammal’ on the planet, the time to rethink- what exactly is it running after?
Hopefully in these 55+ days of lockdown, each one of us must have given a pause to ourselves, watched movies, cooked and enjoyed our favorite dishes and so on. Each of us must have introspected and gotten to know oneself a little better. And now we are all ready to ‘bounce back’ with zeal and energy. While the method and approach may differ from person to person, it will be a ‘New You’. That is being optimistic. Cheers!
Kishori Dalwadi, Assistant Director, School of Interior Design, Unitedworld Institute of Design (UID)
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