Good Relations Take Work
“Good design is Good business” – Thomas Watson Jr., this is the reality. When you water well, you grow good plants. Navigating the business of design is as important as the craft of it. The world believes that being creative is a miracle that results in good work and it’s easy to become a designer. […]
God v/s legal restrictions and government liabilities
God versus legal restrictions and government liabilities: A situational analysis of the effects of pandemic laws in the light of Durga Puja, 2020 As the Durga puja, 2020 approaches, the apprehension of spreading pandemic in increasing. In 2020 March, when the government of India sensed the danger of Corona pandemic, almost all organizations were told […]
Work from Home: Transformation in HR Roles
The Covid-19 crisis has imposed a demand as well as created an opportunity for organizations to change their age-old operations. Many companies are taking this as an opportunity to reengineer their processes in order to be ready for any such scenario in the future. They have started thinking at a strategic level on how to […]
Keynesian Solution to Current Economic Condition
Current economic conditions, due to pandemic, is compared to Global Recession 1929, especially in terms of its impact of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and Unemployment. GDP of most of the countries in the world shows declining trend because of Covid – 19 and lockdown implemented world over. Along with declining production, unemployment is also increasing, […]
Red for Interview
Every year in September, UWSB gets involved with lots of pre placement activities. Right from acquiring hard skills and remembering various jargons that can help ace the campus placements, there are a few soft skills which although silent carries a lot of weight if executed in right way. Many students underestimate the power of colors […]
I find the word itself quite interesting and think about whoever came up with it first quite likely might’ve been a lateral thinker. Blanket. Etymology states that the word originates from the old French blanchet, literally meaning a white cloth. However, if I were to try and think in my own terms, a large portion of […]