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What’s not to love about chess? There is adventure, strategy, guile and a rich cast of characters. Consider the knight, for instance. It can hop, skip and jump, so much so that the king and queen at once would be in its crosshairs, were it to lay its trap. Or the rook, more like a battering ram, sparing nothing in its path. If you love diagonals, then there is the bishop, one for each square, black or white. And how about the humble pawn? Small, unassuming and unnoticed, only until it reaches the enemy lines after which it is ready to charge, wreaking havoc on a zealously guarded king. To think that all this action takes place over 64 tiny squares, ah! There are few such joys.

Arjun Sidharth, Assistant Professor, Unitedworld School of Liberal Arts and Mass Communication

Disclaimer: The opinions / views expressed in this article are solely of the author in his / her individual capacity. They do not purport to reflect the opinions and/or views of the College and/or University or its members.

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    • UID General Category application window for admissions 2025-26 closes on Monday, 20th January 2025. Click Here to Apply or call on 9266663225 to know more. I UID Tier -I UID DAT 2025 is scheduled in online mode on 25th January 2025. UID Tier II ST-PE / PE-PI booking is open. Click Here to visit your application account to book your Tier II Date/ Slot.
    • To get you familiarized with the online platform for UID DAT 2025, OPEN MOCK DAT is scheduled on Wednesday, 22nd January and Thursday, 23rd January 2025. To know more, call on 9266663225.
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