An Ounce of Action- A Step Towards Industrial Collaboration
Students are more likely to retain information if lessons are brought to life. Being immersed in information and being involved in visual and practical experiences will help students ‘remember, learn and understand’ subjects. Keeping this philosophy in mind, a two week workshop was designed in collaboration with Ms. Maria from the University at Politecnica De […]
Lifestyle and Lockdown
Today, the world is facing unprecedented challenges due to pandemic coronavirus disease-19 which has affected the human life of every caste, creed, religion, and culture worldwide. The regular life is suspended and the way we used to live our life has changed scrupulously. Amid the lockdown, we are exposed to one sentence most frequently and […]
Laptop Buying Guide for Visual Communication Students
This is for all the design students who are having hard time finalizing which laptop to buy to begin with their design journey of upcoming academic years. The intent here is to not just recommend a machine but also to encourage the students to be informed decision makers when it comes to buying a laptop. […]