In yet another wonderful session of Conversations@KU, eminent artist and a pioneer of structural architectural and ornamental glass in India, Ms. Asha Mandapa shared insights of glass as a material for interior and exterior design contexts. Ms. Mandapa is the founder member and director of IDEAL – the Institute of Design Expression Arts & Learning as well as the founder of the Reflections Design Studio in Ahmedabad. She shared her work with the students while explaining the nitty gritties of designing with glass. Post session, students of product design and lifestyle accessory design at KU’s Unitedworld Institute of Design enthusiastically showed her around the ceramic and other workshops on campus. A pioneer of structural architectural and ornamental glass in India, . For over 25 years, the studio has produced revolutionary work. Apart from glass, she also works on steel, wood, ceramic, textile, oils acrylics, charcoal among other materials.