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Creative Coding with Robotics

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Creative Coding with Robotics

Creative Coding with Robotics

Hands-on Workshop/Training Program on “Creative Coding with  

Duration     : 31.08.2021 to 09.09.2021(Two Weeks)

Unitedworld School of Computational Intelligence (USCI) organized an inter-school technical event Training Program on “Creative Coding with Robotics Technology” in associated with Unitedworld Institute of Design (UID) from 31st August 2021 to 9th September 2021 to provide a platform to explore the  students’ technical knowledge. The hands-on training programme had three sub-events: Computer Hardware and Software, Create the Coding through Logical Thinking and the Implementation of the software code development and design a Mini Robot through Arduino Microcontroller

In the first session, students got familiar with the fundamentals of computers, components of computers and how to identify components of a computer like motherboard, Hard disk, RAM, Processor, Power supply unit etc… Informative videos were shown to students.

In the next part a brief introduction to create assembly and C through logical thinking. They got familiar with various development logical algorithm of High level and Assembly language environment. In this regard students were performed some activity like flowchart arrangements, Black box and white box sequence model and different game activities.

In the next part a brief introduction to Arduino was given the students. They got familiar with various development boards of Arduino and learnt the development environment for Arduino. Working with Arduino I/ O pin was taught and functions of various embedded components were explained. Later simple application of Arduino like blinking LED, character display through 16×2 LCD, Actuator Interfacing Concepts, Switches and Interfacing of different sensors and its coding was explained.

In the last part of the session, more applications of Arduino were explained and showed.

Students developed their own mini projects for various Interior design applications such as LED blinking, Characters Printing, Automatic Human detection and Lighting through various Sensor and Home Security Systems and finally students presented their own project module. Overall student learn the computer hardware and software fundamentals, Components of computer, digital fundamentals and data representation, algorithm and flow charts and basics of working with Arduino and gained basic knowledge of various Arduino development boards; Programming environment; onboard features of Arduino Uno microcontroller.

The main objective of this training programme was to encourage students to extend their knowledge to a professional level in computer hardware and software, designing of mini robots and to nurture their creativity and innovation on applied interior design concepts at per with present day requirements. Twelve groups (45 students) participated in the training. They had shared their innovative ideas by chart presentation and hardware model display.

The aim of the two-weeks training programme was to nurture the coding concepts of First year GDP students as nowadays it is mandatory for all students to know the basic programming both in assembly language and in C. In order to register for that sub-event, programming concepts of Controller and basic knowledge of interfacing were required. Participants had to cross successive levels of microcontroller programming. Finally, they were provided with hardware controller and device to complete their tasks.

List of Components & Equipments Used:

  • Arduino UNO R3 Development Board
  • Bread Board
  • Resistors & Diodes
  • Servomotor
  • Stepper Motor
  • L298 2A Dual Motor Driver Module with PWM Control
  • IR Sensor
  • Ultrasonic Sensor
  • Displays (LED & 16X2 LCD)
  • Soldering Iron and Necessary Kits
  • Connecting Wires


    • UID General Category application window for admissions 2025-26 closes on Monday, 20th January 2025. Click Here to Apply or call on 9266663225 to know more. I UID Tier -I UID DAT 2025 is scheduled in online mode on 25th January 2025. UID Tier II ST-PE / PE-PI booking is open. Click Here to visit your application account to book your Tier II Date/ Slot.
    • To get you familiarized with the online platform for UID DAT 2025, OPEN MOCK DAT is scheduled on Wednesday, 22nd January and Thursday, 23rd January 2025. To know more, call on 9266663225.
    • KUAT (Karnavati University Admission Test) Admissions 2025-26 Application Window Open Click Here to Apply.
    • UIT (B.TECH.) Admissions 2025-26 Application Window Open Click here to Apply or Call 9667048555 to know more.
    • UIM (MBA ) Admissions 2025-26 Application Window Open Click here to Apply or Call 9667048555 to know more.