The school education as well as higher education has attained a new paradigm due to a massive transformation and the usage of New Media in education learning. The educators have to use internet enabled hybrid technologies in education pedagogies. There is a need to ascertain the relationship between Student’s past academic performance in grade-XI and the expected learning outcomes using New Media for the student of senior secondary education level in grade-XII. The study done by me based on the questionnaire survey from 785 students of grade-XII, CBSE board affiliated private schools in North India, focuses on identifying expected learning outcomes in terms of Non-academic areas of school education which are vital for the holistic development of Students.
The results reveal that there is a significant impact due to New Media usage explained in terms of the expected learning outcomes of co-scholastic areas such as Social Wellbeing and Indoor Gaming. The past academic performance i.e., marks secured by students in grade-XI do make a significant impact on the students’ use of New Media devices for interest in extra Co-curricular activities related to media information in terms of total effect. Whereas no impact is observed on New Media usage due to past academic performance of students.
This led to the conclusion that the usage of New Media for any specific learning objective is not related to the past academic performance but it may motivate students to perform better in terms of Non-academic areas or Co-scholastic areas by accessing to various information sources using New Media technology.
Author: Dr Satish Kumar, Assistant Professor – Unitedworld School of Business (UWSB)