UWSL was delighted to host Prof. Jane E. Schukoske, Advisor, S M Sehgal Foundation, for an interactive session on legal Aid Cell and importance of the same in the legal education. The session started with an informative presentation by Professor (Dr.) Debarati Halder, Chief Advisor and Mentor, UWSL Legal Aid Cell. She highlighted about the legal aid clinic which is affiliated to DLSA, Gandhinagar. She also discussed the activities of the UWSL legal aid cell in spreading legal awareness on a large scale. Prof. Jane Schukoske, the Chief Guest of the session, spoke about the importance of legal aid in legal education. She emphasized on trust building with the beneficiaries, continuing legal aid activities even during vacations through dedicated student volunteers and encouraged for initiating community radio station for spreading legal awareness. Students of UWSL interacted with Professor Schukoske on their experience in the course of legal aid activities.