A major portion of the world is on a standstill for a while. Everywhere, everyone has to stop doing whatever they were into. Be at home and be patient, these are the only two things being claimed from all. Amidst all these, one uncertainty is looming over the privileged section of the society as well. That is about something as basic as food. The class of people that used to be mostly concerned about the availability of the preferred brand of chocochips, maple syrup is suddenly worried about the basic essentials like regular supplies of carbohydrates and proteins in their diet. With the home delivery services crashing, the supplies at the local stalls getting thinner day by day the people of this group too are caring about wastage. It is not that nobody knew that supplies are not to be wasted, but it is not easy to make people realise that. The lockdown has taught a number of people in a very hard way that it is time to realise that everyone should practice not to waste. Hope people will care to remember this once the crisis is over!
Suchandra Ghatak, Assistant Professor, Unitedworld School of Liberal Arts and Mass Communication (USLM)
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