Life is a struggle we all should know…
At every step we wonder where would we go.
Life comes as a book with lots of written pages…
We put maximum efforts and get minimum wages.
Sometimes life brings a series of beautiful choice…
And sometimes life haunts us with horrible voice.
Sometimes morning gives hope and we get strengthen…
Sometimes evening becomes dark and hope gets weaken.
Life is never easy and struggles are always there…
We have courage to smile and say I don’t care.
Just keep our hopes high and we would find our way…
Through some dark nights, morning brings new day.
If we have a dream, we should passionately strive…
Using our courage, with both feet we would dive.
The things we strive for may seem hard to achieve…
But they would be within our reach if we strongly believe.
We all have life’s story to share with our friend…
This is a tale of every life till that last page says,
“The end”.
Shraddha Sharma, Assistant Professor, Unitedworld School of Liberal Arts and Mass Communication
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