The COVID-19 virus has not only changed the way we live our lives but has also changed the dynamics of the popular film industry in India, popularly known as Bollywood. It has been a dream of many aspiring young actors, to make a mark in Bollywood; however, the opportunities are limited when compared to competition existing in the market, as the supply is more than the demand. All the actors who do not get absorbed into the Commercial Cinema, so-called Mainstream Cinema, try their luck on OTT Over the Top media platforms. OTT platforms have given the name and fame to a lot of aspiring actors in the country. However, with the advent of the pandemic, the popular commercial A-listers have also taken the route of OTT media service as the multiplexes are not going to open anytime soon. The multiplexes that were jam-packed once, now lie deserted as nobody visits them. The current situation has taught the actors that it is important to diversify and innovate at their levels. Earlier an option, now OTT has become an opportunity. Well known OTT platforms streamed in India are Disney Hotstar, Amazon Prime, Netflix, Alt Balaji, Zee5, Voot, MX Player, to name a few.
Vikrant Jain, Assistant Professor, Unitedworld School of Business (UWSB)
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