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The First Spring Morning

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The First Spring Morning

The First Spring Morning

It’s a cold dawn with a rosy splash of wind running through my hair and face, feeling like a soft touch of nature. The sun is waiting behind the bush of golden lit clouds to make its refreshing entry but hesitates as he too wants to enjoy the cool fine breeze. It’s then that we realize the humble welcome of spring by winter to take over his steps. We see the little flowers bloom and the petals unfold, just how a bird spreads its wings as it steps out into the new world. The leaves seem to shine with the little crystal like dewdrops. The sky seems fresher than ever, encouraging us to take a new breath of the new day. The blurred chirping of the birds feels like a sweet gesture by nature to help us in our new day. The silence of the dawn does all the talking.

Aditi Trivedi, B. Des Fashion Design Semester II , Unitedworld Institute of Design (UID)

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