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Traveling – Feasible?

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Traveling – Feasible?

Traveling – Feasible?

To discuss the advantages, journey through flights is fast and relaxing, and with increase in number of flights it is also becoming cheap and affordable. Irrespective of whether people travel for leisure, business or commercial purposes, it increases job opportunities, they can expand their businesses, explore different places etc. Furthermore, this will help reduce cultural differences between countries and bring countries together, which will help tackle serious problems if they arise. For example, in recent times of CoVid-19 pandemic, many countries came as a helping hand to India when they were facing acute problems. Globalisation can also help Multi National Corporations (MNCs) to increase their yield because they can hire more people.

Talking about the disadvantages, the main problem of increasing flights is, the air pollution caused by the planes. A single flight releases huge amount of carbon dioxide to air which increases the air pollution resulting in global warming because of disturbance in greenhouse effect. Moreover, creation of airport requires a large amount of area, which needs people to be relocated to different places. These people face issues in settling to a different place. They also face financial issues  because the remuneration given by the government is not satisfying and is way below compared to the outside world. Lastly, these all problems may hamper the peace they had before relocation.

To solve these problems, many experts suggest that flights should be taxed more but I think this will not solve the problem. Instead, the flights should be made eco-friendly because increasing the taxes will only burden people in their lives.

Author: Dr. Vikrant Jain, Unitedworld School of Business (UWSB)

Disclaimer: The opinions / views expressed in this article are solely of the author in his / her individual capacity. They do not purport to reflect the opinions and/or views of the College and/or University or its members.

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