“Lok Adalat” also called the “People’s Court” is a mechanism of negotiation and mediation. It provides a forum where cases or disputes that are ongoing in courts or commissions can be arbitrated or peacefully resolved. It is one of the alternative dispute resolution processes. Lok Adalats are held on a regular basis in every court throughout the nation which helps to dispose of plethora of cases.
On 11th February 2023, the students of Unitedworld School of Law along with the faculty Mr. Pranay Prakash, Assistant Professor participated in Lok Adalat at District Court, Gandhinagar which was organised by District Legal Services Authority, Gandhinagar. The objective of participation was to acquaint the students about the proceedings of Lok Adalats and how free and fair legal justice can be provided to the needy and down trodden people. Students of UWSL registered as volunteers in the said National Lok Adalat. They were allocated into groups and volunteered the panel of Lok Adalat for their work in the matters of electricity disputes, motor vehicle cases, Bank recovery, and consumer disputes. The students also learned how the cases (or disputes) which are pending in a court or which are at the pre-litigation stage are compromised or settled in an amicable manner in Lok Adalats.