What can a vaccine bring? Can it really bring back our social life? Arrival of a vaccine, the effectivity of which is still uncertain, is of course the most important thing that the world is looking forward to. We all need a vaccine to fight with the ever spreading sickness. But the time has grown more sick than the sickness that is being discussed. The regular rise in Covid-19 cases and related deaths have injected fear, distrust and hopelessness in so many ways. If the vaccine works well and the virus accepts defeat, will the world be the same again? Can the Covid-19 vaccine defeat the distance between individuals that the time has created? Will the vaccine be able to defeat the fear that every occasion of social mingling is bringing along with it?
As we wait for the vaccine such fleeting thoughts have become the most important points of telephonic conversations these days. Yes, telephonic it is! Rather, only telephonic it is. Social life has suddenly converged to a telephone set and some other related gadgets. Will the vaccine ever be able to help the society rebuild its trust in fellow beings? Will the vaccine be able to bring back the hustle of the coffee shops? Will it teach the humans to trust each other once again?
Dr. Suchandra Ghatak, Assistant Professor, Unitedworld School of Liberal Arts and Mass Communication (USLM)
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