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Planning to Pursue a BBA in Finance Degree? Here are the Best Management Books you Must Read

BBA in Finance Degree

Planning to Pursue a BBA in Finance Degree? Here are the Best Management Books you Must Read

For BBA students, nurturing their management skills is essential. When management students join the corporate world, they are expected to perform executive duties while avoiding crisis situations and solving problems. This is why many management aspirants start reading management books even before they apply for the course.

If you are planning to pursue a BBA financial degree, here are are some of the best management that you must read: 

  • The Art of War by Sun Tzu

This book is classic and read and quoted by leaders around the world. Although the book is based on a Chinese military treatise, these tactics can be applied to culture, politics, business, sports, parenting or for that matter any situation where conflict resolution skills are needed.

The book teaches three things:

  • how to avoid war in the first place
  • how to be a better leader; and
  • how to outsmart your competition.


  • The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell

This is one of the most interesting books to read on leadership and management. Taking examples of inspiring leaders such as Winston Churchill and Abraham Lincoln, the book talks about different leadership styles and identifies certain absolutely necessary skills that one needs to succeed. For instance, the ability to influence, negotiate and advocate your ideas is one of the most important skills one needs to be successful. The book also underlines that leaders are not born; rather leadership can be studied and learned  by observing the world’s best leaders. 

  • Multipliers by Liz Wiseman

The book says that there are two kinds of leaders — the multipliers and the diminishers. The multipliers are the ones who get their teams to do their best work. They create a work environment that allows their teams to flourish.  On the other hand, diminishers create a stifling environment where teams cannot grow. While comparing the skills of the two leaders, the book underlines the traits that good leaders should avoid at all cost.

  • Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek

This book explores how neurochemicals affect the way humans feel, behave and act. The book dwells into how different kinds of societies lived thousand years ago and how leadership has evolved since then. The book also discusses how technological advances and complex systems are changing the role of managers and leaders. 

  • Give and Take by Adam Grant: 

This book takes a unique approach towards leadership styles. Unlike traditional theories, the book says that the key to success is giving more to others rather than competing against them. The author cites examples of political leaders and entrepreneurs who cared more about giving for the greater good focusing their own interests. The book underlines that ‘givers’ become successful leaders as they cultivate and use their vast networks to benefit others as well as themselves.

Give your management career an early start with our BBA finance course 

We, at Unitedworld School of Business (UWSB), Karnavati University, offer 3-year  B.B.A. Finance degree. The course is designed to help you gain a deep understanding of financial components such as portfolio management, corporate finance and international finance. The course lays the strong foundation for you to either pursue higher studies or work in the corporate world. The programme includes a summer internship with some of the well-known companies. To know more about our course , call us at +91 7227035138 / +91 9099993506.


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